The first car made in 1769
The history of the automobile industry is rich and tortuous, and it can be difficult to follow with precision, but cars have appeared since the fifteenth century AD: when Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton presented their drawings and their first car designs, the inventors began many experiments in the automotive industry. The first real motor car manufactured in 1769 by the inventor Nicolas Joseph Cuneo in France at Arsenal Paris was a three-speed car operating autonomously without outside help; it was destined for the use of the French army. [1]
[2] the Electric car It was invented in the 19th century in Scotland; the inventor Robert Andersson created an electric motor car between 1832 and 1839. Later, the idea of gasoline engines appeared. The German inventor Karl Friedrich-Benz worked on the manufacture of the first He received petrol in Germany between 1885 and 1886 and rushed three times. After Benz, the inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach built the first four-wheeled vehicle and a gasoline engine in Germany in 1886, called the Cannstatt-Daimler engine. [1]
[3] The development of the automobile Over time, the automobile industry went through several stages before reaching its current form. The steam engine was invented by the French inventor Nicolas Joseph Cuneo in 1769; the steam engine and the heater were separated from the rest of the car and were at the front. 2.5 mph, and with three wheels, the car had to stop every 10-15 minutes to recover steam in its engine. A year later, Cuneo was building a steam car for four people. In the United States of America, Oliver Evans obtained the first patent for a steam car in 1789. In Great Britain, Richard Trevethick built the first steam vehicle in 1801 [2]. The electric car began to appear after the invention of the Hungarian model of small electric car Anios Gedlik in 1828. Between 1832 and 1839, the Scottish inventor Robert Anderson built a real J electric car, and in 1842 Built-in refurbished cars engine -on is rewritable by Thomas Davenport and Robert Davidson transportation charges, and in 1865, the French Gaston built Plante car with a better battery, where I took the batteries after upgrading. In the early nineteenth century, Britain and France began to support the electric car industry, then America, from 1895. In 1897, New York's electric cars began to be used as a fleet of electric cars. taxis. The actual use of Carl Benz gasoline cars began in 1885 and was of a high standard compared to the cars of the time. The car was at high speed and its engine had a cylinder and was mounted horizontally at the rear. The car, with its solid steel chassis, consisted of two seats and three wheelbarrows tightened with wire [5]. After Benz, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach built a four-wheeled motor vehicle and one of the leading automakers in the United States. The automobile industry flourished after the invention of gasoline engines: the manufacturers started to buy engines at Benz and Daimler for the construction of modern cars. Rene Panhard and Emile Levasur were the first to create a car manufacturer in 1890. Using m Daimler and made important modifications, such as moving the engine to the front of the car and using the rear-wheel drive, and shared the rights of the Daimler engine with Armand Peugeot in France [7]. In the United States, brothers Charles and Frank Doria founded the first In 1893, and sold 13 cars until 1896, but it was expensive, and production continued until the 1920s, followed by Ransom Eli Olds, who had long experience in manufacturing steam and fuel engines, and founded an automobile industry in 1901, was between 1901 and 1904, Henry Ford entered the automobile industry and founded a new car manufacturing line in 1903, where he sold cars of his own model. [7] The modern car has evolved into the modern cars we use. Today, modern technology includes touch screens, voice commands and connectivity for mobile phones. Thus a number of functions have been excluded from the mobile phone. In addition to replacing modern cars with the starter button, the car's systems have become dependent on the auxiliary electrical system and the fuel is not totally dependent. ]