The first car made in 1769
The history of the automobile industry is rich and tortuous, and it can be difficult to follow with precision, but cars have appeared since the fifteenth century AD: when Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton presented their drawings and their first car designs, the inventors began many experiments in the automotive industry. The first real motor car manufactured in 1769 by the inventor Nicolas Joseph Cuneo in France at Arsenal Paris was a three-speed car operating autonomously without outside help; it was destined for the use of the French army. [1] [2] the Electric car It was invented in the 19th century in Scotland; the inventor Robert Andersson created an electric motor car between 1832 and 1839. Later, the idea of gasoline engines appeared. The German inventor Karl Friedrich-Benz worked on the manufacture of the first He received petrol in Germany between 1885 and 1886 and rushed three times. After Benz, the inventors Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach built the first four...